Traverse the range
The Achievement Pathways are the way in which Scouting recognises the personal progression of Scouts, and they include a range of different elements. At their heart are the Program Essentials, the Milestones of which all Scouts are expected to achieve, regardless of their interest in exploring other elements.
The Achievement Pathways fit within the One Program, One Journey model of Scouting. Their framework features a continuous series of personal achievements across the whole program, from the beginning of the Joey Scouts age section through to the end of the Rover Scouts age section.
Imagine the Achievement Pathways as a journey across a mountain range, with each section of the program exploring a new and more challenging section of the range. Many Scouts will find exploring the bases of each mountain fulfils their needs. Other Scouts will seek different challenges and climb further up each mountain. And some Scouts will ascend each mountain summit and attain the peak awards.
Program Essentials
The Program Essentials – Introduction to Scouting, Introduction to Section and Milestones – lie at the foot of each mountain. The Milestones are base camps, which themselves involve active participation in a diverse program, with plenty of personal progression and leadership development along the way.
Outdoor Adventure Skills
The Outdoor Adventure Skills take Scouts up one side of each mountain, and they are the link between adventurous activities and the program. They enable Scouts of all ages to access the basic skills for a range of activities and progress through to high-skill levels across three core and six specialist areas.
Special Interest Areas
The Special Interest Areas take Scouts up one side of each mountain, and the six broad categories are designed to meet different developmental needs. They provide opportunities for Scouts to develop their skills, experiences and knowledge in specialist subjects in which they are really interested.
Adventurous Journeys
Adventurous Journeys are explorations of the outdoors in ways that stretch or test personal limits. They require Scouts to plan and lead an expedition in which they apply the leadership and outdoor skills they have developed throughout their Scouting and Achievement Pathways adventures.
Leadership/Personal Development Courses
Leadership and personal development are important parts of not only growing as a person but also the Scouting program. Courses give Scouts opportunities to talk with others who are following a similar path.